Top 7 Animals That Invade Your Attic and How to Keep Them Out

Sep 27, 2024 | Animal Removal

Your attic may seem like a safe, tucked-away part of your home, but for wildlife, it’s an ideal habitat. From rodents to larger critters, animals can cause significant damage to your attic and pose health risks. Knowing which animals are likely to invade and how to prevent them can save you from costly repairs and hazards. Here’s a breakdown of the top seven attic invaders and tips for keeping them out.

a squirrel on the roof of a house1. Squirrels

Damage: Squirrels are expert chewers and can gnaw through electrical wires, wooden beams, and insulation, increasing the risk of fires. Their nests, often made of shredded materials, also pose fire hazards.

Prevention: Trim tree branches near your roof to prevent squirrels from accessing your attic. Seal any potential entry points with sturdy materials, and install squirrel-proof barriers to block common access areas like vents.

2. Flying Squirrels

Damage: Flying squirrels are smaller than regular squirrels and can squeeze through tiny openings. They can cause insulation damage, chew through wiring, and introduce nesting material that clogs ventilation.

Prevention: Regularly inspect your attic for gaps or holes and seal them with metal mesh or heavy-duty sealant. These small creatures can fit through spaces as tiny as half an inch, so thorough sealing is essential.

rat caught in a trap3. Rats and Mice

Damage: Rodents like rats and mice can cause extensive damage by chewing on insulation, wires, and even structural parts of your home. Their droppings and urine also spread diseases like hantavirus and salmonella.

Prevention: Keep your attic clean and free of food sources. Seal all possible entry points, especially around cables, vents, and pipes. Using rodent-proof materials and setting traps can further prevent an infestation.

4. Raccoons

Damage: Raccoons are highly destructive when they invade attics. They tear up insulation, destroy vents, and leave behind significant messes, including droppings and urine, which pose health risks.

Prevention: Install raccoon-proof barriers on vents and chimneys. Ensure all entry points are tightly sealed. If raccoons have already invaded, it’s best to hire a professional for safe removal.

5. Snakes

Damage: While snakes do not cause structural damage, their presence in your attic can be frightening, especially if they are venomous. They often enter in search of rodents.

Prevention: Eliminate rodent infestations to reduce the likelihood of attracting snakes. Seal any entry points and trim overhanging branches that may provide snakes with easy access to your attic.

bats in a home6. Bats

Damage: Bats can create significant issues in attics with their droppings (guano), which accumulate and pose health hazards. Guano can lead to respiratory problems, and their presence can result in unpleasant odors and stains.

Prevention: Install bat-proof screens over vents and other openings. If you notice signs of bat activity, such as guano or stains, consider installing bat houses away from your home to give them an alternative roosting space.

7. Opossums

Damage: Opossums are less common attic invaders but can still cause problems, such as damaging insulation and creating foul odors from their droppings.

Prevention: Seal entry points and make sure your attic is free from food sources. Opossums are less likely to invade if there is no accessible food or clutter that may attract them.

a professional wildlife removal technician

Professional Wildlife Removal: The Best Option

While prevention is key to keeping animals out of your attic, dealing with an active infestation requires professional help. Wildlife control experts are trained to safely remove animals, repair damage, and install long-term prevention measures. They ensure humane removal and prevent re-entry, keeping your home safe and secure.

If you suspect animals are living in your attic, contact a professional wildlife control service. They can assess the situation, remove the animals, and provide solutions to prevent future invasions.


1. How do I know if I have animals in my attic?
Common signs include strange noises, droppings, gnaw marks, and nests made of shredded materials. You may also notice foul odors.

2. Can animals in the attic cause health problems?
Yes, animals can spread diseases through their droppings, urine, and nesting materials, leading to health risks like hantavirus, salmonella, and respiratory issues.

3. What’s the most common animal found in attics?
Squirrels and rodents, such as rats and mice, are among the most common attic invaders, but raccoons and bats are also frequent culprits.

4. How can I prevent animals from entering my attic?
Seal entry points, trim overhanging branches, keep your attic clean, and install barriers on vents and chimneys. Regular inspections can help prevent infestations.

5. When should I call a professional for attic animal removal?
If you hear strange noises, see signs of damage, or notice droppings, it’s best to call a wildlife removal service. They can safely remove the animals and prevent future infestations.