For a homeowner, there are few things nastier than a rat infestation. Not only will the mere idea make your skin crawl, but they pose a serious threat to your home and family. For those living in Norcross, GA, Attic Kings Animal Removal is here to solve your rat problem. Our rat removal specialists will remove every rat as well as decontaminate your entire home.
Problems Caused by Rats
Rats inside the home can cause a whole list of problems.
- Chewed and frayed wires
- Clogged water lines and drain pipes
- Cause damage to air ducts and other structures
- Eat garbage and left out food
- Carry diseases and parasites
- Can drop between 40-50 fecal pellets per day
- Will bite and scratch inside the walls
There’s really no end to what a family of rats can do to your house.
Rats Inside the Home
Rats will often get inside the home through openings in the roof, water pipes, holes leading to the basement, and air ducts. If they’re determined enough, they’ll chew their way in any way they can.
Once they’ve gained access to the home, the trouble starts fast. They’ll begin leaving urine, fecal pellets, and bacteria everywhere they go. They’ll chew on just about anything, and if it’s a female, she may even have her litter. A rat can have 6-12 babies at a time and can have 4-6 litters a year. That means you have to act fast.
Removing Rats from the Home
At Attic Kings, we use one-way exit tunnels to get rid of your rat problem. After a thorough inspection, we’ll install our tunnels at all entry and exit points. These tunnels will allow the rats to pass through unharmed but will prevent them from getting back in. After enough time, all the rats should evacuate the home. Once we’ve confirmed that all the rats are gone, we will remove the tunnels and animal proof the entry points.
Next we’ll do a full decontamination of your home. This may require removing and replacing soiled insulation and vacuuming up anything they left behind. Then we’ll spray a deodorizing solution that will kill any odor or germs.
Receive a Rat Removal Inspection Today!
To have an Attic Kings rat removal specialists come out to your home, give us a call at 404-723-1065 or fill out our online contact form.