Interesting Facts About Rodents

Rats and mice, like other rodents such as squirrels, have front teeth that continuously grow. Because their front teeth never stop growing, rodents are constantly gnawing on wood and other items to keep their teeth at the right length. In fact, the word “rodent” comes...

Reasons to Appreciate Squirrels

Whether they are eating all of your birdseed or driving your dog crazy, squirrels are often little more than a nuisance, but even if you keep a BB gun within easy range of your birdfeeder, you’ve got to admit that sometimes squirrels can be a lot of fun to watch as...

Good and Bad Bees of Georgia

There are more than 20,000 recorded bee species across the world, and while bees are valuable to the environment it can be inconvenient and potentially dangerous to allow them to thrive near a home. Honey bees, bumble bees, mason bees, and soil nesting bees are...

The Effects of Beaver Dams on Humans

The beaver is making a strong comeback In the US and is having an impact on human populations. In the past, the beaver was nearly driven to extinction by the fur trade, but now nature’s engineers number in the 8-10 million range here. On one hand, the Beaver helps the...

Kings of The Attic

Welcome, Home! Whether you just got the keys to your first house or this is the 5th plus year coming through that front door; either way this is your safe haven. Regardless of how long you’ve lived in your current abode, when you curl up at night the last thing...

Interesting Facts About Squirrels

Squirrels. Many people love to hate on squirrels. But like the mosquito, squirrels have their place in the food chain and play a role in the ecosystem. Sure, they can be a nuisance in your home. From chewing wires to dropping waste 40 or 50 times a day, they can be a...