
Animals Belong in the Wild, Not in Your Attic!

Animals Belong in the Wild, Not in Your Attic!

This is an introduction to Attic Kings Animal Removal Services. In this article, we will detail inspections, how we remove animals, guarantees, warranties, exclusions, and the nine animals most commonly found in attics that we love to get rid of humanely. Animals...

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Common Attic Animal Intruders and How to Respond

Do you hear frequent noises, sounds, and disturbances coming from your attic? Crawling, scurrying, and running noises are almost 100% rodents or other wildlife loose in your attic. To prevent these critters from ruining your home, check out some facts and details...

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Attic Rodent Removal

Attic Rodent Removal

Homeowners are often confused when it comes to unwanted wildlife in their home. They confuse rodents with squirrels, which is easy to do. But since that's the case, we will tell you about both of them. A squirrel will typically get in around the roof, the gutters -...

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How Destructive Flying Squirrels Can Be

Flying squirrels (not sugar gliders) are extremely destructive little critters that can wreak havoc in your home. If you suspect you might have a flying squirrel in your attic or anywhere else, it should be taken care of immediately.  Any delay in responding to this...

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Where Bats Make Their Homes

Where Bats Make Their Homes

Bats are pretty interesting creatures. For instance, did you know that they are capable of eating over 1,200 mosquitoes in an hour? It's true. Bats can also find many ways to make your home their home. The flying rats basically need a very small opening to infiltrate...

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